How to Defeat Diastasis Recti
Get ready for an epic Dwight Schrute impression:
Fact: 100% of women who have had a full-term pregnancy have had some degree of diastasis recti.
(Clearly, I missed my calling as an impersonator.)
Fact: Studies like this one have also shown that 32.6% of women still have a diastasis recti 12 months after childbirth.
What was your first thought when you read the words “diastasis recti?”
Are you still speaking English? What in the world is diastasis recti supposed to mean!?
I’ve heard of diastasis recti, but I’m not sure exactly what it is or whether I have the condition.
Ugh, my diastasis is the worst. I’m so self-conscious over it!
If any of those responses sounds like you, keep reading.
Together, we’re going to find out whether you have a diastasis recti, prevent it from getting worse, and fight to conquer this nefarious villain!